Sunday, April 19, 2009

33 Minutes

Tomorrow (or, by the point you're reading this, probably today), the College Republicans will show 33 Minutes for our April chapter meeting.

Remember the devastation of 9/11. A whole section of New York City was shut down for weeks. Much of it is still not in use. Now imagine the destruction that could be caused by a nuclear bomb in the exact same area. Add to that image the reality that we are not adequately protected from such an event, and it could happen in 33 minutes.

The showing is at 7:00pm in Phillips Auditorium and should not go much longer than an hour. There will be CR T-shirts and flag pins for sale too.

1 comment:

  1. 33 Minutes IS A MUST SEE!!
    I've seen it 3 times (maybe 30 more in the future??)
    Mattron did a great job in publicizing, organizing and fufilling his promise to bring a SWEET documentary (a pertinent one at that) to campus!! Rock on, Heritage Foundation!
