Wednesday, May 6, 2009

If It's Legal, Does That Make It Right?

We're all aware that the economy isn't int the best shape right now. But does this mean it's necessary to legitimize vice? A quick glance at the Google news page reveals plans to legalize online gambling in America and legalize the sale of marijuana to cover California's massive debt. While Governor Schwarzenegger is still against the idea, he does say that he is open to debate. The gambling legislation comes out of the House Financial Service Committee, chaired by Barney Frank. Frank is quoted as saying "The notion that a society should prohibit something entirely because of the possibility that children will abuse it is a terrible blow to liberty." Samuel Johnson once said that gambling is a tax on stupidity. Maybe this new law will make the price of stupidity so high, that people have no choice but to come around to conservative principles and true understanding liberty.

Hey, a girl can dream, right?

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