Sunday, September 13, 2009

Health Care

President Obama will not let this idea go. He can't be stopped by upset citizens at town hall meetings, reprimands from his colleagues, or even a lack of support. President Obama announced on this evening's '60 Minutes' that he still holds his goal for passing the legislation this year, even if he has to do so without support from both sides of the ailse.

His willingness to pass laws without support is perhaps the most jarring thing about Obama's presidency. The citizens have expressed their displeasure and have been ignored. Worse, the representatives they have chosen are being overlooked and told that their support is not necessary for major American reform. It's hard not to feel that the system of representative government is slowly crumbling away.


  1. How can we as a country agree to this behavior from our leading man? He promised "Change", but are we willing to accept that change at the cost of our personal freedoms?

    As the government grows it is replacing our personal freedoms with protective measures. The question must be asked who will guard the guards? In our original system of checks and balances the people guarded our leaders from taking excessive power. Are we now such a lazy country that we are willing to give up the freedoms our forefathers fought so hard to achieve?
