Sunday, October 25, 2009

Great News in the Polls

There's great news for republicans in the polls. According to Rasmussen, likely American voters now trust the GOP more on all of the top ten "key issues," including abortion, health care, taxes, education, social security, and national security.

This just goes to show us that America hasn't fundamentally changed its republican ideals. If the GOP can just maintain unity around Americans' core common principles, they can win big in 2010 and start reversing many of the destructive progressive policies that have so beleaguered our great nation for nearly all of the past century.

Less exciting is this: while republicans are currently trusted more on government ethics, their lead on this issue is by only a 4% margin, and 38% of Americans are still undecided between the two major parties. That's a sad commentary on Republicans. If they want to win, they must prove that they indeed walk the walk as well as talk the talk. It has only been the GOP's failure to demonstrate that they truly stand for a transparent culture of honesty and integrity, social virtue, limited government, and prudent international leadership that has cost them the trust and the precious confidence of the American people.

But enough editorializing -- there is work to be done. If you at all available this week, join me in making calls to elect republican leaders this week Monday through Thursday in the Richard Reese conference room, next to the formal lounge, from 6-9pm.


  1. These polls don't show that Americans have a comittment to any "core principles"-- quite the opposite-- they show that Americans have no principles at all; just last November, Americans elected Democrats in a sweeping majority, but all of the sudden they have a comitmenttment to core, republican principles? Why? Because those are the ones that you like? Please!

    You said it yourself: The GOP has failed to demonstrate that they truly stand for a transparent culture of honesty and integrity, 'social virtue'-- whatever that means-- limited government, and prudent international leadership

    I agree with all of that; So why would anyone, yourself included, want to make calls for the GOP this week?

  2. Within the last few years, the GOP has failed to sufficiently produce capable leaders; that much I do believe. But believe it or not, William, there are GOP candidates out there who actually fulfill the ideals and principles found in this article. These are the people who need to be elected to replace the incompetent officials, both Democrat and Republican, who are currently in office.
